All the kids seem to be adjusting to Asher so well. All 5 just want to help in any way they can. I am sure that will wear off in time, but it is so cool to see the kids (old and young) so taken with him. If any one kid were struggling at all it would be Madeline. It isn't super obvious, but she is very much needing more time with me. She is still amazing with Asher and she wants more time with him also, but she is sticking a little closer than normal to my side. Like, she would not even go to her class at church on Saturday. Plus she keeps coming up to me out of the blue and giving me a kiss or telling me she loves me. It is quite sweet and I feel a little bad for her. I hope I am supporting her through this like she needs.
Unfortunately Asher is sick right now. He has a fever and a nasty cough. I can hardly believe how quickly this sprung up on him, but he is pretty miserable. I think I only got 4 or 5 smiles out of him today, which is totally not the norm. He sleeps in a pack and play in our room, so last night was tough for me. He was up a lot coughing and just whining. Poor thing. I just want my happy guy back, although we are getting a little more snuggle time together!
This may sound silly, but I wish everyone could/would adopt. Obviously Ryan and I feel passionate about this, so I am sure it is no shocker to people that we would recommend it. But, I feel like we have hit the jackpot (adoption wise) 3 times now and how can we not want other people to share the same joy? Our births and adoptions have been equally amazing experiences and I praise God for how each of my 6 kids came to us (truly I do not take it for granted). Our adoptions however seem to have been filled with such unexpected joys. You know, little things that I think we take for granted with biological kids. For example, I still marvel at how our first 3 kids just unconditionally love our last 3 kids. When I was pregnant with Logan, I never wondered if Leah would love Logan, I knew she would. The same when I was pregnant with Maddie. When we adopted though, I wondered each time what the "other" kids would think. I wondered how easily love would come. For the most part it is easy to love a newborn. They are cute, have very little opinions, etc. But bringing two 14 month olds with established personalities, schedules, etc., and now an 8 month old with the same "baggage" well, you can't help but wonder how easy the love will be. Ever time, I am amazed. The love is just there, regardless of personality, nationality, whatever. Seeing that kind of unconditional love is something I will never forget.
He is so precious!!! Congratulations!