Honestly, this last month has been pretty difficult for our family. We are so blessed, but adjusting can be hard. It has been especially hard for me for some reason. I think part of it is just a lack of sleep, but I can't put my finger on what the rest of it is. I have just been kind of dazed and a little emotional too. You can tell that the kids are out of sorts also. Asher is finally feeling a little better, which is really good, but he is still waking a lot at night. I feel like he is just still off somehow. I think maybe he is a schedule kind of guy and this no schedule thing is not good for him. So, I am working on getting him on a schedule. I have always felt that is the best was to go with kids. Anyways, things are getting better every day. Especially every "normal" day where we can start getting back in to our groove, but we are not "back to normal" yet. I just don't remember it being this tough when Anna and then Gee came home....
Oh, and I just have to say that Ryan has been so amazing through all this. He is my rock and he couldn't know how many times I have praised God for him, especially these last few weeks. He is such an awesome daddy and husband!
Hang in there with the sleep! We are still working the kinks out too, and sleepless nights make the days so much more difficult for mommies. Or at least this mommy, anyway. Ari started sleeping through the night about a week and a half after getting home and now for the past two nights he's reverted back to waking up about every two hours. Adjustment/attachment is such a process!! Email me whenever you'd like if you ever want to talk -- abbylynn29@sbcglobal.net.