Anyways, Logan had piano lessons today. Leah and Logan's piano teacher is a super nice lady. Generally she runs a pretty tight ship (just the way I like it). So after the lesson today, she asks "can I ask you a question?" I know it was something personal, which we don't normally talk about. I told her of course. She asked if she could pray for Leah and I. I more than welcomed the idea and I was touched she even thought of us. I figured she would pray for our safety and such, but it was so much more. God spoke to us. She told me that she felt God was telling her to tell us that God was pleased with Ryan and I. She said she felt God wanted us to know that He was going to go to Ethiopia before Leah and I and prepare the way. He was going to keep us safe and protect us. I was bawling. How could she know I was stressing over such things? She didn't know, God did. She was very clear and told me more than once what she felt God wanted to say to us. She prayed a beautiful prayer for us. I thanked her and she reminded me that is was all God.
There are few times in my life that I have felt touched by God like today. It was so humbling that God took the time (through our piano teacher no less) to comfort me in a time I really needed it. I believe what God says. I believe He is paving the way for Leah and I. I can honestly say I immediately felt a peace that I had not felt for a little while. Physically I felt better also and I have felt pretty normal since that time.
I just praise God that he loves me that much.......
So amazing about the piano teacher! I'll be praying for you all!!