Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We are officially getting ready for court! (Misc. pics too)

So, I spent about 30 minutes or so on the phone with Dr. Staat. She looked over all the medical info on Asher and the bottom line is he looks good. It was a little tough because the dates were so wonky. His stats (hight/weight/etc.) mean a lot less when you don't know his exact date of birth. She pretty much gave her imput based on him being 4 months, which we both agree is probably about right. So, weight wise, he is below the charts (less than 3%), but she wasn't too concerned about that. She said his pictures look good and she had seen worse than that coming from Ethiopia. He is the 50% for height and 3-10% for head circum. His labs look good, except for being a little anemic. He didn't even test positive for any parasites (which Dr. Staat believes to be pretty accurate). So, all in all, he's pretty healthy. We officially approved his medicals and hopefully we will have a court date in a week or two (the courts open back up on Monday).

Now, to completely go off topic, here are some recent pics!

These are the cool little goodies we got from Ethiopia a couple weeks ago.

This picture still cracks me up when I see it. This is my adorable niece Ava. We went to a weeding a couple weeks back and they had cupcakes. This is how Ava "ate" hers. What was so funny was that this is how she looked for probably like 3 minutes. She didn't move it, she just held it there and ate/licked it?

When we got home from camping a couple weeks back we had 40 eggs. Our rock solid buddy, Olivia collected for us while we were gone, but we ended up staying an extra day, so the eggs went a day without being collected. 40 eggs is just a lot.... Oh my.

Here is my proud egg collector!

This is Ryan and Logan at Logie's soccer game last Saturday. Kind of far away, but I thought it was cute.

This is me finding joy in the little things in life..... When we home school, I do 99% of grading, etc. at the kitchen counter. Last year I just kept the books piled in the corner during the week and would put them back on the shelf in the computer room on the weekends. That set up was a pain, so earlier this week I decided to find a better system. Here is what I came up with. This is a flimsy little crate that our bulk green beans came in. I am happy that the books finally have a spot and I think the crate looks kind of cute!


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Psalms 10:14, 17-18

"You are the helper of the fatherless.  LORD, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear, To do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, That the man of the earth may oppress no more."