Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Casting Crowns If We've Ever Needed You

I wanted to post this video on my blog because I feel this song is very relevant, not just in light of recent events, but in the every day life of a Christian. This Youtube version of the song is believe it or not, less visually stimulating then some of the other versions, but I still get choked up every time I watch it.

I don't often post about my views on the state of the US or the world. It is not that I don't notice what is going on around me, how can I not? I do notice, quite a bit. I have gone through times of sincere despair when I think about the moral and physical destruction we create. My heart breaks when I think of the child half a world away that is dying right now because he has no food. My heart breaks, possibly even more, for the child that is dying right next door because his/her mother has a choice. I get increasingly angry at the unjustices of this world, the political filth the infiltrates our every day lives, and how, as a country, we are moving further and further away from God. However, and this a huge however, I have hope. God sees all that I see and more. God knew the World Trade center would get hit and thousands would die. God knew people would kill babies. God knew government would be corrupt. I have immense peace knowing God is holding us in His perfect hands. This is not the kind of peace that leads me to be inactive, certainly not, but it is the kind of peace that allows me to trust God with those things I cannot change.

I hope you watch the video. I hope you recognize the need to completely rely on Jesus Christ.


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Psalms 10:14, 17-18

"You are the helper of the fatherless.  LORD, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear, To do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, That the man of the earth may oppress no more."