I had the 3 little ones at Walmart today looking for canning jars. Well, we were over there beside them and there was a guy there that had earrings in both ears. We were standing right beside him (he was chatting with some lady) and Maddie says as clear as day "Mommy, that guy is silly, boys don't wear earrings." I didn't even look to see if the guy heard her, I just walked off. Madeline, God love her little soul, is very good at loudly pointing things out like that. That is the second time this week she's done that. It's funny in hindsight, but at the time it is pretty embarrassing.
I am finding myself pretty busy these days. Actually, like extremely busy. My garden has been a lot of upkeep, between weeding, pruning, harvesting and processing, well its like an endless cycle. I will tell you though, I am enjoying it (most of the time). I like being out there in the dirt and I love building a stash of food for my family, that we grew. Yes, I am a little strange, but something just seems right about doing things this way.
This week we made the decision to say bye bye to junk food. Now I realize that blogging about this will hold me a little more accountable, but that's ok. In the last couple years I have felt increasingly convicted to teach my children to eat right. We have been making changes over time, but I have struggled quite a bit. For one, I am a coupon-aholic. I can clip with the best of them and it is very hard for me to say "no" to something that I can buy for practically free. So I buy it, even if it is processed crap with no nutritional value. Now let me say here, my kids eat pretty healthy anyways and normally if I buy junk I save it for something special. Or at least that was my theory. Here lately though, junk has been creeping in to our daily lives more and more. Another problem with switching to healthier stuff is the resistance I anticipate from Leah and Logan (the 3 little ones have never really gotten junk). They like their sweet snacks, they get two a day and they usually choose something with empty calories (that I bought dirt cheap for a "special occasion") and then they are starving an hour later. Well, no more. I had Leah and Logan make lists of healthy snacks that they would like to see around and I asked them to focus on whole and non processed foods. Well, after explaining to them exactly what that was, they were pretty cool with it all. They even seemed a little excited about it. Oh and for the record, we have no intentions of becoming so extreme with this that our kids can't enjoy a candy bar, there is a balance, but I am just happy knowing that their eating habits here at home are going to be much healthier. I want them to take this with them and grow up knowing how to eat right.
Ok, sorry, I didn't mean to get off on that tangent....... Here are some recent pics:
The kids made a choo choo out of their bilibo seats and begged me to take a picture.
This is Gee post hair buzzing. How cute it he???
Gee, pre hair buzzing (still totally cute).
Ryan and I celebrated 13 years of marriage on Monday. Actually we went out on a date last weekend, so on Monday we just had a nice dinner and a heart shaped brownie!
For some strange reason this cracked me up. It is a bird's nest build with chipboard slots. As you may or may not know, Ryan and his family own a interior packaging business and these slots are leftovers from processing the raw board. Well, Ryan brings slots home sometimes and we use them as chicken bedding. Apparently they make good nests also!
Got a little bit of discouraging adoption related news yesterday. The courts in Ethiopia will indeed close for 6 weeks (from mid August to the end of September). We were hoping they were going to stay open, but, nope. Truly though that probably doesn't affect us too much since we've yet to get a referral. At this point it takes 6 or so weeks after a referral to get a court date anyways. It stinks though because once we do get a referral, the courts are going to be seriously back logged because of the closings.
I am not going to lie, I am hopeful we will see our little boy this week. I think that is very possible from what I am hearing. And, as much as I want to keep myself from getting my hopes up, they are up. I have been seriously daydreaming about the little guy and I really just want to see his face and start falling in love with my son.
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