First off there's no change in our adoption situation. We are still waiting for a referral (and waiting, and waiting.....). Today marks 16 weeks. I have no clue what number in line we are and if it is moving any better yet. I have bombarded my case manager over the last couple weeks and I am trying to give her a break (yes, I am one of "those" people). We have gotten, via e-mail, a couple Ethiopia Department updates. The first one was not so good. Pretty much the courts are closing out of the blue for two weeks. So, all those poor people that have court dates, well, they are just out of luck. No one knows if this two week closing will replace the 6 to 8 week closing due in a few weeks or if it will be in addition to it. This doesn't affect us, but I am sure their are some pretty frustrated adoptive families that have waiting months for a court date that at the last minute has been cancelled. The second e-mail sounded pretty good. I guess MOWA (Ministry of Woman's Affairs) is stating that they intend to finish all cases presented to them by the end of the year. That would be amazing because at this point that is seeming pretty far fetched, especially if the courts close for the additional 6 to 8 weeks.
We returned from camping yesterday and we really had a good time. The weather we really nice, especially considering we are in the middle of July. As always, the kids had lots of fun and we enjoyed having an extra kid along, Leah's good friend Olivia.
Here are some pics of the last couple weeks:
We went to the trails at John Bryant park on the 4th. Here are the kids on the bridge (minus Anna, who's on my back).
On July 3rd, we met some of my family in Columbus to watch Red, White and Boom. It is an amazing fireworks display. Here are my boys enjoying them!
Here's Anna, almost watching the fireworks.

This is how she "watched" them at first. :)
Some of the crew watching the parade.
Mario Lopez lead the parade. Yes, I was slightly impressed by that, but not because I think he's gorgeous or anything, I just remember his "Saved by the Bell" days and I think he makes me feel not so old.
Daddy with Anna and Gee (you can see downtown Columbus in the background).

Madeline and my niece Ava, camping.

Anna at the camping lodge pool. That pool was great and it had a whole section for just the little kids.
Mommy and Gee Chill-lax'in.
All the kids at one of the trails (the angel was a memorial for a 14 yr old girl that passed away a few years back. She fell off one of the cliffs. Very sad.).
Fun with chalk.

Gideon "chalking" Olivia's feet. Olivia was very patient with our brood.

My beautiful niece Naomi.
My beautiful niece Ava.
My adorable nephew Coleson.
Part of the crew enjoying smores.