Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My computer is gone......so sad.

My laptop is less than a year old and it is gone. I have had trouble with it off and on since I have had it but we assumed some bug had just got to it. We sent it in to the local dude that fixed Colepak's computers and he fixed it. Then it moved to Hotmail issues. If I tried to reply or send a message to someone it shut my computer down. About a week ago my computer completely shut down. I called HP support and was on the phone for an hour and a half with kids needing to eat, etc. Pretty much we needed to shut down my hard drive which would probably cause me to lose all my data, so I told him that I needed to back things up first. That is where we are at. My computer is backed up and I just need to call HP again. I know we are going to have to send the hard drive in and I am dreading calling and being on the phone forever. It is frustrating that a computer that is pretty much soley used for internet piddling and a few pictures is having so much trouble.

Well, we are still living in a swamp. This rain is really making me want to go cuckoo. Our barn has not been touched in over two weeks. My garden plot is so wet I can't even begin to plant in it. The grass seed we've planted is probably rotting. IT IS A MESS.

On one productive note, we have gotten all our fence posts in for our pasture. This is kind of huge. We spent the last two weekends on it. Ryan worked his hiney off and my father in law pitched in tons. I didn't do much until last weekend, but they are all in! Even in the rain. The negative side to this is that there are huge ruts and mud spots now throughout the pasture due to the skidloader being so heavy and sinking into the wet ground. But we knew that would happen and really needed to get that fence in. Can't really wait for the rain to stop or it would never get done..... Now we have to get the wire screwed on and electrified and add the gates. That will probably take another two weekends, but I would much rather be doing that stuff than driving posts (not that I do all that much....).

Animal/Livestock Updates.......

Logan has picked his beef feeder calf and I think we will be getting it in a couple weeks. His name is Monopoly. Ryan went with a friend (a dude that knows way more about this stuff than we do) and picked him out. I think Logan is pretty excited about him. Sparky needs a buddy for sure!

Sparky is doing great. She is getting big! She is still taking the bottle a lot and she needs to be switching over to feed/hay more. I am not sure how to get her to do that. Time for more internet research I guess. She downs her bottles these days and she nudges so hard it hurts. Last night she busted Logan's lip pretty bad when she nudged him.

We picked up our milker cow last week. She is so pretty and friendly. Really, she is super cool. I cannot wait to get her here in our barn/pasture. She is a registered Dexter. They are a pretty interesting breed. They are naturally smaller than a normal milking cow and I think she will be much easier to handle, come time to milk her. She will not be milked for quite a while though because she isn't even pregnant yet. We are working on that. We are hoping she will calf next spring and will have milk all next summer/fall.

The chickens are, well, doing what chickens do. Our original layers are giving us about 8 to 12 eggs a day right now, which is pretty good. Our new layer chicks are in an awkward stage where their feathers are half in and half not, they look pretty funny. Their colors are super pretty though and I am happy with my hen choices. Leah's fair silkies are gorgeous. Really pretty birds. I am interested to see how they show this year. The meat birds are 7 weeks today. You are suppose to butcher between 7 and 8 weeks. They are looking so healthy though, I want to wait as long as I can. Maybe the end of next week?

Our little eggs in our incubator are on day 21. They are suppose to start hatching today. We have been candling the eggs to check on their development and it appears that all 14 were alive and looking well (to my untrained eye). They were all moving inside the egg as of 3 days ago. On day 18 the chicks go in to "lockdown." You don't open the incubator, you don't turn the eggs any more, etc. So, we are just waiting to see when and I guess "if" they hatch. It would be a bummer at this point to get this far and loose them.

Ok, so there is life around these parts I guess. I would love to post some pictures, but until my laptop is fixed, that is not happening.


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Psalms 10:14, 17-18

"You are the helper of the fatherless.  LORD, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear, To do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, That the man of the earth may oppress no more."