It has gotten to the point where I just can't trust her for very long. Like yesterday, the 3 middle kids ate their dinner out on their picnic table. I sat them all out and when I went back to check on them Madeline was dumping some of her food into Anna's bowl and telling Anna if she told she'd be in trouble. Madeline has probably been told 20 times that she does not pawn her food off on the other kids. Then she tried manipulate poor Anna (no wonder Anna was going to send her with the "PS" man). I HATE lying and sneaking but I ABHORE manipulation. Plus earlier that day Madeline had dumped two huge scoops of dog food and chicken food all over the garage floor, which she has also already gotten in trouble for. Oh, and then last night she didn't end up going to sleep until 11:00 pm after coming downstairs 4 different times (and getting swiftly punished each time).
This kind of stuff wears me down quickly. When you add that and 5 other kids that need attention, well, you get the idea. We are being consistent with her and trying different methods of punishment, but could you pray for stamina? THanks!
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