I like to try and keep up with the blog better, but we have been extremely busy lately. School has started along with 5 kids on 4 different teams. Plus the garden needs harvested and processed daily it seems. Oh and we are working very hard to put stalls in our barn for our horse we are hoping to get soon. (Yeah!)
I wont lie, having the two oldest in school has been a big adjustment for me. Them too, but I think especially me. I know that most people reading this blog wont understand this, but I have gotten used to being with my kids 24/7 (except for Leah last year of course). I like it that way. Multiple people, just making small talk, ask if I am ready for the kids to be back in school. I answer honestly and say, "no, I miss them." It is like someone all of sudden said "sorry, you only get to be with your kids for half as much time as you use to." Most people slowly lose time with their kids. It starts when they are 4 with preschool. I know, I am totally pathetic. It is getting easier though. Hey, I already get them home for the next 4 days!
Besides adjusting, life is good. My three 5 year olds are suppose to start school next week. However, we may bump it a week. They are excited about it. I have their curriculum, but I haven't done lesson plans yet or anything and I need to get in my attic to get some manipulatives from years gone by. Maddie will be starting 1st and Anna and Gee are starting Kindergarten. We were going to wait until next year to start get and then they would all be staggard, but Ryan wants me to try Kindergarten with him. I have no doubt he has the brains, he just doesn't seem to have the focus yet. Time will tell I guess.
Well, I have some pics to add for next time. Garden and barn stuff mostly.....
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