That darn Tractor Supply Company. I went in for a simple bag of feed and came out with 6 baby chicks. So, does that make me the sucker or my dear husband that begrudgingly said "whatever you want....?" The poor man was cornered though. He had his two oldest children begging and pleading for the chicks and wife (who maybe in this case could be considered a third child) saying "well, we have all the stuff...."
They are cute though. They had just come in that day and were in need of attention (IMO). We saw two chicks die while we were there. But, out of probably over a hundred chicks in the pen, I guess that's not so bad. Chicks will die in transport and shortly afterwards, that is just the way it goes. So, I wasn't overly surprised to see some dead/dying chickies, but it was still sad. The worst part was that someone needed to put the poor animal out of it's misery because it was just laying there dying while the hundred other chicks trampled it.
We did our good deed though. There was one chick in there that had a very red toe. Almost blood red. It looked pretty healthy otherwise. But while we were standing there, just one of those little one day old chicks noticed it was red and gave it one little peck. That started a pecking frenzie on the poor guy. We were already waiting for a box, so I literally was flipping the other chicks off of it. If you are reading this and struggle with separating humans from animals (i.e. my pet/livestock is my know who you are) just remember this, if one human gets a booboo, another human does not peck it to death. God has indeed designed us differently, thank goodness. I wouldn't had made it past infancy otherwise.
Anyways, Leah has adopted "footsie" as her own. She/he actually is doing quite well and so far none of the other 5 chicks we've got have pecked it. We thought we'd have to separate it for a while. Logan adopted "stripey" as his favorite.
The new chicks are Bantams. They are just a different type of chicken and they tend to be smaller than your standard size chicken, although they still lay nice eggs and do all the things a normal chick would do. These chicks I think will just add some nice variety. 3 or 4 of the new ones have hairy legs (you will see in the pic) and when they grow up they look kind of cool. One of the black fluffy one is Footsie and if you look closely you will see it's red toe.
Very cute...we'll be by to meet the chicks soon!