So why am I showing you a picture of flour? Well this is freshly ground wheat flour. It isn't the best picture, but this is the flour I am going to try and use 100 % of the time now. I bought a hand cranked flour mill and used it for a while, but it took too long to grind to do it all the time. My mother and father in law bought me an electric mill and I used it for the first time last night. I LOVE it. We have been weaning out white flour as much a we can for a few years now, but it is difficult to substitute 100% whole wheat for all recipes. I learned online (through the Heavenly Homemakers Blog) that white wheat can pretty much be 100% substituted for regular white flour. I have also struggled with finding wheat berries to grind. We planted wheat this past fall, but it won't be ready until summer. Well, the country variety store (Amish ran) that I frequent carries white and red wheat berries. I bought a 50 lb bag. It worked out to be 70 cents a pound to buy. I have no clue if that is a good price or not. The red wheat berries were around 50 cents a lb so I could have gone cheaper. I hope I can really do all my flour this way. It will be way healthier for us and no doubt cheaper in the long run.
Here's more canning I have been doing. I made corn chowder. It doesn't look real "chowdery" because the dairy has not been added. It is not recommended to home can dairy product or "dense/pureed" soups. I am sure there are ways around this but I am not taking any chances. No botulism for us please.
Here are the soup and beans that I canned. I am not sure that it is cheaper to buy dehydrated beans and can them or to just buy cheap canned beans. My sister in law and I had this discussion just last week and I have never done a price comparison. I need to. I am sure it would make sense to buy bulk beans also and see the price. Anyways, I had these beans just sitting in my cabinet (where they had been for at least a year).
Asher can be such a ham. I was getting a picture of all the kids eating breakfast (the next pic) and Asher climbs up on the chair and says "cheeeeeeese." It was pretty funny.
Eating breakfast on a rare weekday morning that Leah was home (no school Monday). Mmmm, oatmeal.