Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The zoo and misc. pics.

Ok, here's my attempt at captions again. If they get all jumbled (which I am pretty sure they will) just play a little match up game!

What is Logan doing in Gee's crib? I have no clue. Let me just say I am happy that puppy is well made!

This is my monster squash plant. It is over-shadowing all my other vining plants and I am considering cutting it back and taking my losses. My honeydew's and watermelon's are what's going to suffer and we cannot have that!

Check out these little birdies. They are so ugly they are cute. They are right in the middle of one of our raspberry bushes (which by the way we have gotten a good deal of berries off this year). If you barely bump the branch they all perk up and chirp like crazy. Leah is all worried about them because she hasn't seen the mama around. I've seen the mama once, but I told Leah (and all the kids) that she needs to just stay away and that is the best way to "help" the birdies out.

The last few pics are of the zoo. We went about a week or so ago with my SIL and her kiddos. We all had fun and the animals were great. We even did the petting zoo (i.e. germ city) and the kids helped brush out some goats.

Look how big my Logan looks. **Sigh** Where does the time go???

Oh, this tiger was so funny. It just kept pacing back and forth in front of the glass, like it was showing off. It was cool though because the kids were literally like and inch or two away from the tiger. All the kids thought the tiger was great until they got up to the glass and saw how close the tiger really was. Anna had to be coaxed to stay by the glass and Gee was just gone. He waited at the stroller, a safe distance away.

So, tiger's may not be Gee's thing, but he didn't even hesitate to touch the snake. Ewww. I can do bugs, spiders, etc, all the normal stuff girls typically get squeamish about, but I do not like snakes! I can be on our massive mower and see an itty bitty gardner snake over in the yard and I still jump. They are just creepy. My kids however, snakes don't bother them a bit. Except for Anna, she and I just don't do snakes.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pretty Normal Stuff

Nothing too exciting going on around here. It is hot here. I feel like this last week has been my first real dose of yucky ohio summers. Working outside at all is tough. I try to do my work either in the am or later in the day, but that doesn't always work out. Inside is very nice this year though because we have central air now (yes, we are moving up in the world). We don't keep it too cool in here, but just keeping the humidity at bay is a huge plus!

I finally feel like my garden is looking good. I have been pulling weeks for two weeks! I almost have them all cleaned out (except for our strawberries, which I am not even sure I will mess with). I cleaned out the chicken coop on Sunday and I think I am going to spread my coop compost on my garden. The straw in it should keep the weeds at bay and the poo should fertilize it pretty good. Sounds like a good plan eh?

Our raspberries are coming on and I think I will try and make a batch of jam out of them. I will pick next week at our main raspberry picking place (you know where you have to pay, but the berries are amazing) and that will be the bulk of my jam/berries for the year. It is nice though that I think we have enough berries around here for some jam. I already made two batches of strawberry jam and I think I can make a couple more with the strawberries I have in the fridge. Jam is definitely on the docket for today!

Poor, poor Logie. He went to a friends house on Monday and got FRIED. His shoulder are so burnt and he had HUGE seeping blisters all over them. He is pretty miserable. He hasn't been able to wear a shirt for two days now. He is pretty much confined to indoors because being in the heat is extremely uncomfortable for him. My 3 bio kids are pretty fair, especially Leah and Logan. We try exceptionally hard to keep sunblock on all the kids any time they are out in the sun. Some might even think we are weird about it. Monday, poor Logan slipped through the cracks and now he is a mess. Pray for him if you get a chance.

Well, off to do some work outside before it gets to hot!

Oh, and zero news on our adoption. I am still very frustrated, but what else can I do. I do know that other agencies are getting referrals somehow (I read about them on their adoption blogs) and that makes things even a little harder. But I know God is still in control. I tell myself that every time I find myself irritated.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

SUPER GEE and Happy Father's Day!

Oh my goodness, Gideon has become the super hero bug catcher to the little girls. It is so funny. If they see a bug they yell for Gideon and he swoops in without even flinching and rids the world of one naughty critter.

I was out side earlier today, cleaning the coop. The 3 little ones were playing outside the coop and Madeline started wailing. You could tell she was really freaked out about something. All I heard was screaming, then "Ant," more screaming and "Gee." By the time I got there Gideon had plucked the poor little ant off of Madeline and Madeline was smiling. Crazy I tell you. But it was very sweet.

Since today is Father's Day I want to wish all the father's in my life a "Happy Father's Day." My dad died when I was two, so I didn't have a father in the sense that many people do. However, God blessed me with an uncle who loved me like a father and was always available to me. My Uncle John is the greatest guy ever and I am so thankful for him. Growing up God also gave me a pastor that I still love dearly to this day. Now, I also have a father in law and a step father that are wonderful and that I also love very much. Gesh, now that I think about it, I have some pretty wonderful grandfather's also. So you see, even though I didn't have a father in the normal sense, I feel like now I have been blessed beyond measure!

I of course need to wish my dear husband a "Happy Father's Day." He is the best dad ever. He loves our kids so much and it shows. He is attentive and gentle and I just love to watch them all together. You know, I have known Ryan for 20 years now and I hope it doesn't sound silly to say that "I am so proud of him." He has grown into an amazing provider and leader of our crew. I am so blessed to have him as the father of our children.


Thursday, June 18, 2009


I loaded lots of pics and I categorized them over the next few posts, so keep scroll'in.


Ok, I am not even going to bother titling these things. I think you can figure it out.

A few camping pics.....

Aunt Emily organized making ice cream for the kids (and a couple of the adults :)) and it was lots of fun. It worked pretty well also!

The swing......

I love these pictures of the girls..... They love this swing.

Life Around here lately.....

Here are some recent pics:

*Our painted coop. We need to do some landscaping, maybe a walk way?
*A playhouse for the kids. We bought this great playhouse off of cragslist. It is really nice with a loft and everything. We are going to paint it, fix the flower boxes, move and lanscape it, etc. But I love it and I am so glad we finally got one of these.
*Our planted and somewhat weedy garden.
*Our standard Easter Egger baby roosters.
*Our white Silkie Rooster (he is so cute!)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Good to be back to normal....Almost.

We've been home from camping since Sunday evening and I finally feel like things are getting back to normal. Leah is gone though. She is at camp and won't be home until Friday evening. I really miss her. Like, really miss her. I am very pathetic, I know, but when you spend 24/7 with a gal, her absence leaves a huge hole.

I have been working lots in my garden trying to get it all weeded. Man, it is taking forever. We have a small tiller that will get in between the rows, but you can't till around the plants and we have lots of plants. We have a strawberry patch this year thanks to a really great friend that had extra. The bunnies were eating the ripe berries, but they have seemed to stop and we are actually getting a few yummy red ones! We also planted various tomatoes and peppers, snap peas, green beans, various squash, pumpkin, various melons and cucumbers. Oh and I just planted some sweet potatoes that my SIL just gave me. Everything is growing well. Not as many peas and beans came up as I would have liked, but they still look good. I am excited to have fresh veggies and to really can a lot of things this year!

Our chickies are doing well. Our hens are getting big and I bet they will be laying in the next month or so. We still do not have their fenced in run completed, so they have been "cooped up" in the coop for quite some time (ha ha, I am SO funny). They have tons of space in there though, so it's all good. Our six bantams are looking good also. I am sure 2 out of the six are roos, but only time will tell for sure. Our two little standard sized roos are about 3 weeks not and they are doing great. We put them in the bantam brooder about a week ago and that was interesting. One bantam in particular (the one known to have a 'tude) was extremely mean to them and pecking them pretty relentlessly. I am happy to report though that our 2 standard roos no longer have to cower in the corner of the crate. Seriously, I looked in on them tonight and the two roos were lounging over in the main area of the crate and all 6 of the bantams where huddled in the same corner that the roos use to huddle in. My, my, how things have changed!

The kiddos are doing well and I thing they are enjoying their summer so far. They have been outside tons and have eaten lots of popcicles. Fortunately we are pretty much mosquito free this year. Praise God. I am sure we have a few, but we have been hard pressed to find a bite on anyone. Last year this time we could barely go outside.

We are having trouble again with Madeline getting out of her bed at night. She got put back to bed 7 different times tonight. She is also still lying some, but she it quicker to tell the truth these days, that has to count for something, right? She is very smart though and can count, tell all her colors, etc. Her newest thing is singing. She loves to sing, particularly when she is in trouble. She will sing very "woe-fully," I guess it is comforting to her. It is funny to us.

Anna is just our little sweetie. She can certainly be naughty also, but in general Anna is just a good kid. She is extremely sensitive, but I think she is learning to control that a bit. I cut her hair a couple weeks back and it looks soooo cute. She was so funny after I cut it. She kept looking in the mirror and flipping her head around. Anna still gets up at night crying.......so sad. Oh and Anna is still our animal lover. She seriously has a thing for our chicks. A couple night ago we let some of the hens roam the yard and we had to chase them down to put them back. Well Anna actually caught one and carried to the coop herself. I could barely catch them.

Gideon is just all boy. He is all about cars, 4-wheelers, trucks, guns and Spiderman. He is obsessed with Spidy! I think we are going to do a spidy theme for his 3rd birthday. Gee is also pretty sensitive, but differently than Anna. Anna is just all around soft hearted and a crier, Gee is only really sensitive physically (like if he gets a boo boo) and if too much attention is given to him. If he knows people are watching (even if he was trying to be silly or something) he will bow his head and get all sad. Lately Gideon has had some potty issues. He has waited too long to pee and he has wet himself 3 times in the last 3 days. All three times I have just asked him if he had to pee (he was doing the peepee dance), he said "no" and the next thing I know I am standing in a river. I think he has a problem with using the big potty and not it potty chair. I think it scares him.

Logan is hanging in there, although I think he misses Leah also. He been acting down off and on. I will say though that Logan is a happy helper. He is so good about doing what I ask him to do and not complaining. He just gets pretty board around here sometimes and for some reason he never takes me up on all the extra chores I offer him to keep him busy.

Everything is the same in adoption world, although I do plan to talk with my case manager about the concerns Ryan and I having.

That's all for now, my next post will just be lots of pics!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A New Day....

Well, God grace is certainly new every day.  Today is better and I am feeling more optimistic about our adoption.  Not necessarily more optimistic that our little guy will get home quickly, but my faith has been renewed.  I sincerely thank Jesus for that.  I am still bummed at the delays, but my heart is starting to echo my mind.  This is all a part of God's plan.

We leave in a few hours for camping for a long weekend.  I seriously have not sat down since my bowl of oatmeal Saturday evening.  I have washed laundry none stop from 8 am to 10 pm for the last 3 days and it is just now getting done. The lawn has been mowed, the garden has been weeded (for the most part) and watered, 46 cups of strawberries have been cleaned and frozen, both chicken coops have been cleaned up, 2 dozen muffins and 3 pans are bars have been made and I am about to through some bread in the oven.  **Quick Breath**  The boat has been cleaned up and moved back to the barn and the camper is here and partially packed.  We are doing pretty good I think...  I need to finish packing the camper and then I think we can relax!!  Yeah!!  This should be a very nice weekend of doing nothing!


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Feeling a bit down......

I think anyone who has adopted before has reached the point that I am at right now.  I am just sad and frustrated.  Tomorrow marks 11 weeks of waiting for a referral.  I guess the power has been out in Ethiopia (a very vague excuse I know) and our agency has received zero referrals for 2 weeks now.  We are still 6th in line.  Our case manager says that there are boy referrals that they know of, but with no power, things are at a stand still.  I am hoping that we will get a good bump to the front once the power situation is worked out.  In some ways, no referral at this point isn't what is bugging me the most.  It is the fact that the wait just keeps getting longer.  We just found out Friday that the wait from passing court until travel is 8 to 10 weeks now.  8 TO 10 WEEKS!  It use to be 2 to 4 weeks.  But, new regulations regarding birth certificates has extended things.  The wait from referral to submitting our documents to court is longer also.  The more popular Ethiopia becomes, the more regulations we are seeing.  Of course I want things to be ran as ethically as possible, but part of the reason we chose Ethiopia was because of a relatively quick process in an adoption friendly country.  I am disappointed that Ethiopia is falling prey to all the red tape we see in other countries.

So, our time line will look something like this from referral (to my understanding):  After we accept our referral it will take 2 to 3 months to submit our documents to court.  A court date will then be set 6 to 8 weeks out.  We have a 5o/50 shot of passing court the first time.  If we do not pass court, depending on the problem, it could take 2 to 6 weeks to get another court date.  After we pass court we will travel for pick up approximately 8 to 10 weeks later.  This puts our process taking from 22 to 36 weeks after we accept a referral.  So let's say we get a referral at the end of June, that would put us traveling for pick up anywhere from late November (if things go as fast as they can and we pass court on the first try) to mid February.  **Sigh**  My brain says "God is in control," but my heart is not listening to my brain......


Psalms 10:14, 17-18

"You are the helper of the fatherless.  LORD, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear, To do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, That the man of the earth may oppress no more."